Four - That Sucks

Supporting a loved one during a grieving process can feel so sticky and tricky. There is not much we can actually DO to make them feel better. Sometimes, the best thing we can do is hold space for them to be upset and validate the uncomfortable and complex emotions they are experiencing. It can be painful to watch the ones you love most have to bare the responsibility of grief.

The situation may feel unjust and we may feel powerless. However, there is immense power in your mindset and intentions. This will shine through in the effects of your actions and will influence those around you.

Simply sitting there with them in the pain - not knowing what to do or how to make the situation better - is powerful and healing. It may not feel this way, you may feel powerless. Your care and love for this person can help guide you to intuitively feel what is best for them in the moment. You may make them a casserole. You may just sit there and say, “that sucks.”


Five - About Me


Three - Becoming a Medium